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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Disney Conspiracy

Disney has been using robots to take over the world. The Projects are as follows.

Lindsey Lohan- Lindsey Lohan was not mechanical; however, her success showed Disney that mind-control could be achieved.

Camp Rock- This film was made to test the people's acceptance of the machines; the success of the movie inspired Disney even more.

Unit-J3 (The Jonas Brothers) – Unit J3 was a one-conscious machine, just split into three bodies. They had an immense success, and Disney was enormously pleased, but due to an amplifier malfunction, the electro-magnetic interference caused Unit-J3 to split into three separate minds. Disney needed another robot.

Unit-MC (Miley Cyrus) – Miley Cyrus (originally named "Miley Cyrax",) was to be Disney's pride and joy, she was created with an attractive design and sonar voice, (to attract the masses.) Though the sonar did little to most people over 14, it still went over immensely well, Unit-MC seemed perfect, until a design flaw struck MC with "GaGa Syndrome," causing MC to wear revealing outfits, and do strange things on stage, such as pole dancing on an ice cream cart, and pretending to kiss a female. Disney then unleashed their most powerful weapon.

Unit-JB (Justin Bieber) – Unit-JB was to be perfect, a small, pre-teen boy-form. With an enhanced Sonic device, which won over the hearts of twelve-year old girls everywhere, the sonar voice made him sound female, in an attempt to win over males, the thought process was "By the time they realize he's a guy, they will be in too deep."  Justin Bieber won over many hearts,  but when he was hit with a water bottle, causing his audio track to repeat, making him say "Ow, that didn't feel good," in the same tone.

As you can see, the evidence all points to Disney's evil intentions.

Come on, McDonalds.

Thought you could slip this one past us, did you?

So, I noticed something. I may be way behind everyone else on this but, McDonald’s’ food is very small, proportionaly. I think they do this so they can bring in some more revenue. Because what do you do when your food doesn’t fill you up? Buy more of course. Another thing, how can such a small amount of food have THAT many calories? Do they just have a tub of lard in the back room that they inject into all of their food? No wonder the nation is so obese, when we buy so much of McDonald’s’ junk, what can we expect? 

Calm down, Parents.


Ill just get right to the point, stop whining about video games being to violent, yeah sure, there are lots of violent games, but so? If you can’t tell the difference between reality and virtuality, then you shouldn’t be playing them.

And something else, I recently saw on the news about mothers saying what is “inappropriate” on a child’s Halloween costume. The woman said, “Anything they can use as a weapon is inappropriate.” Come on people, it’s Halloween, loosen up. Let Kids be Kids. It seems like these people are a few steps from wrapping their kids in bubble wrap and safety tape.

20 Things I Hate (A Good Venting Note.)

It’s True.

1. Egotists
2. Posers
3. Hypocrites
4. People who don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
5. People who don’t respect my views.
6. People who insult another persons music.
7. Winers
8. People who change stories so they don’t look bad.
9. People who steal other friends gfs/bfs
10. Extremely Lazy People
11. Thiefs
12. Rumor-starters
13. Arrogance
14. People who move my stuff so they can sit in my spot. (I REALLY hate that).
15. Backstabbers
16. Racists
17. People that make a Facebook page about themselves.
18. People who are jerks and then cant understand why people don’t like them.
19. People who add random people on Facebook so they look cool.
20. Extremely Annoying People\

People making Facebook pages about themselves.

It is just arrogant.

Am I the only one who hates it when people make Facebook “like” Pages for themselves. For instance, I once stumbled upon a Facebook page called “ Susanna Whitman” The name was different, but you get the idea. I mean, doesn’t that seem a tad arrogant? To make a Facebook page just to see how many fans you get? Another thing I noticed is that all of the ones I find appear to be thirteen to fourteen year old girls. Maybe they need the self esteem boost, but that may not work because all of the ones I’ve found never had over fifty fans.

Really, Triond?


Yeah, I came here to submit stuff and get some revenue, but it comes at a snails crawl, it seems, With about 26 articles, I make $0.12 a month. Okay, it’s money I didn’t have before, fine, whatever. The big issue, however, is where my articles go. I submitted a poem about addiction, and where did it end up? A Doctor site. I submited song lyrics, that contained nothing about health, drugs, or anything, and where did it end up? THE SAME DOCTOR SITE. This is ridiculous, where is this article going to end up? Some fashion site? A doctor site? Disney Channel? Who knows?

Hyperactivity and Energy Drinks

Too many people say energy drinks are bad and they say you should have something like 6hour power or something. I don’t want to be just woken up I want to bounce of the walls. Then they complain about getting crashes, sure they may be uncomfortable but they help you sleep,  am I right?Anyway they’re totally worth it. Then they say how bad caffeine is for you. Well, if people did not do things just because they were bad the economy would collapse, no one would buy cigarettes, alcohol, or virtually any medication, simply because they provide desirable effects on the user. Those are my thoughts on hyperactivity and energy drinks.